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VOL. 1, NO. 1.


SATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1873.


The starting of a weekly newspaper in Rothwell serves to indicate the great advance the town has made, and its onward progressive spirit. Only a few years ago the demand for literature was so small, that neither printing-office nor bookseller’s shop could be found. Within the last six years a marked change has taken place, and, as a consequence, we abound in resources for supplying the new literary spirit.
The time seems to have arrived when the general thirst for knowledge, and the laudable desire of acquaintance with what is doing in the busy world around, should be met by a local newspaper, and the facilities at hand for supplying such paper, at a cheap rate, has induced the proprietor of the Rothwell Times to supply this want. From the arrangements he has made, he trusts that he shall be able to compete with journals of a larger size and more expensive character, in supplying articles of latest intelligence, news of general interest in both town and country, and the state of the markets and the funds. He has also made special provision for recording in his columns everything of local interest, including Public and Local Board Meetings, &c., Railway Time Table, Police News, Mining Intelligence, and all other items likely to please and inform the various classes of readers.
In addition to these many attractions, arrangements have been made for the supply of a thrilling copyright tale entitled


The columns of the Rothwell Times will be open to communications of private correspondents on any subject bearing on the interests of the neighborhood. Secretaries of friendly and other societies are assured that reports respecting the societies they represent will be carefully attended to and as fully as possible inserted. Those who wish to express their opinions on passing events will have full liberty to do so, so long as they write in a spirit of fairness and honesty; and contributions of a literary character will be thankfully received; and it is hoped by all these varied means to make the journal not only popular, but essentially useful.
That a paper at so cheap a rate, in a small district, should be made to pay even its expenses, will require a large circulation; the proprietor, therefore, respectfully and earnestly solicits the co-operation of all parties to gain for it a standing which shall insure its continuance; and when circumstances justify it, he pledges himself to enlarge its size, and increase its columns.
To the tradesmen of the towns in which it may circulate, who may make use of its pages as a medium of advertising, the Rothwell Times cannot but be of great service, since it is a generally admitted fact, that no means of increasing a business, or the sale of any specific article, can be employed so efficient at the columns of a newspaper.
It may be asked, whether the Rothwell Times will advocate any specific party, political, or ecclesiastical sentiments; the answer is, none whatever; all parties will be fairly represented, whatever their political views or their ecclesiastical convictions. In a journal circulating through a locality of so limited a character, where parties are so equally balanced, it is obvious that no peculiar sentiments can be prominently and exclusively upheld with any hope of success. The proprietor pledges himself to give no offence to any, but remain neutral on these points on which his readers may differ, and by a candid, impartial, liberal spirit, to gain the favour of all. With these preliminary statements, and specification of objects, he sends forth his first number, and trusts he may, from time to time, be enabledto report progress, and ere long to tell his readers that the Rothwell Times has a prosperous career among the journals of the day.


(Opposite the Black Bull,)


Has a carefully Selected Stock of



(illegible text) ON, respectfully announces to the Ladies
(illegible text) and its vicinity, that he is now showing
(illegible text)elies in French and English MILLI-
(illegible text) Straw Hats, in all the New Sh?pes,
(illegible text)ses, Flower, Feathers, Ribbons,
(illegible text)e new colors, Mourning Bonnets,
(illegible text)Inspection Invited at
(illegible text)T STREET, (illegible text)EDS.


under the following heads, 6d. per line—Situations Vacant or Wanted; Houses, Apartments, &c., To Let, or Wanted; Miscellaneous Wants, &c.


Three or Four LADS, from

12 to 16 years of age.—Apply, Armitage Brothers, Robin Hood.


to take in Plain SEWING, has

a Machine.—Address, "J." P.O., Rothwell.



N Wednesday, November 5th, a Grand

PROCESSION will be formed at Ten o'clock. headed by the Rothwell Brass Band.

At One o'clock (illegible text) will be preached in the (illegible text) Chapel, by the Rev. J. F. Parriah," after which, (illegible text) collection will be made for the New Primitive Methodist Sunday School.

At Three o'clock, a Knife and Fork TEA will be provided in the Mechanics' Hall, Tickets 1s. each.

A Public MEETING in the Mechanics' Hall, to be Addressed by Mr. Dixon, and Mr. Pickard; chair to be taken at Five o'clock, by Mr. Wm. Lunn.

A Lecture,

will be delivered at Carlton,

on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, by Rev. J. H. Whitamore.




Beecroft's No. 3 SEWING

MACHINE, in good condition.–Apply 27, Hillary Street, Leeds.


VISIT the comfortable and well lighted Reading Room of the Rothwell Mechanics' Institute, which is well supplied with News, including the "Graphic," the "Illustrated London News," London Daily Papers, the "Yorkshire Post," "Leeds Mercury," & "Rothwell Times," and many Periodicals, besides a well-stocked Library. N.B.–Important subjects debated every Thursday.


Miners be wise, and put by for a rainy day!

THE Leeds Permanent Benefit Building Society, offers you every facility for saving and enabling you to obtain your own House, allowing 4 1/2 per cent. on deposits.

A BRANCH is held every other Monday, at the ROTHWELL MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, from 7.30 to 9 p.m.–For other information, apply to


OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS!! THE MARKET HALL ARE NOW SHOWING A CHOICE SELECTION OF CLOTHING OVERCOATS FOR GENTLEMEN, OVERCOATS FOR YOUTHS, VERCOATS FOR BOYS, VERCOATS FOR ARTISANS, VERCOATS FOR ALL CLASSES. THEIR WINTER STOCK is now COMPLETE, and cannot be surpassed in value. Every Article Warranted Well Made and Durable. A CHOICE SELECTION OF WOOLLENS, comprising: CHEVIOTS, NAPS, PILOTS, &c., BEAVERS OF EVERY SHADE. Special Bargains in HOSIERY, WOOL SHIRTS, MUFFLERS, &c. A Choice Selection of RAILWAY AND CARRIAGE RUGS, BELOW ORDINARY PRICES. CHEAP RUGS FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER, A Great Boon to the Artisan. HATS & CAPS of every description, SEALSKIN CAPS, At exceedingly low prices. LEGGINGS, MACKINTOSHES, AND OVERALLS. FIRST-CLASS CUTTERS. DON'T MISTAKE THE ADDRESS! MARKET HALL CLOTHING COMPANY NEW MARKET STREET, ADJOINING CENTRAL MARKET, & OPPOSITE CORN EXCHANGE, LEKUS. WHEN YOU GO TO LEEDS. GO TO THE PEOPLE'S TEA MART, GEORGE WALKER, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY TEA DEALER, TEA 28., 28. 2d., 2s. 6d., 28. Sd., and 3s. Best 3s. 6d. COPPER 9d., 18., 1s. 2d., and 1s. 4d. GROCERIES AND DRIED FRUIT of excellent quality. Note the Address: LUDGATE HILL, & 62, COVERED MARKET, LEEDS. Orders attended to with despatch. C H. BRAITHWAITE PHOTOGRAPHER, Near TOP OF BRIGGATE, LEEDS. Photographs Colored er uncolored in various styles, from Carte Size to Life Size, Photographs copied and enlarged or reduced. WOODHOUSE LANE AUCTION MART LEEDS. WALKER BOSHELL, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Cash advanced on Goods consigned for Sale or Pur- chased for immediate Cash. B BOOKS BOUND, AND RE-BOUND, IN EVERY STYLF QUAL JE, THWELL HOLMES AND BATTY, FAMILY & GENERAL DRAPERS, OUTFITTERS, &c., ROTHWELL, Hold a Large stock of Goods, suitable for the WINTER SEASON, consisting of Blankets, Sheets, Rugs, Coun- terpanes, Flannels, Shirts, &c., Dress Goods in Winceys Satin Cloths, Cords, &c., in all the leading styles and shades, Skirts and Skolen Cloths in Pilot, Beavers, Mantle Cloths, Shawls; Fashionable Jackets, Elysians, &c., Overcoats, Splendid Mufflers, Wool Scarfs, Gloves, and Gentlemen's Mercéry, &c., Seal and other Winter Caps.-Grain and Levant double- Soled and Watertight Boots, Leather Leggings. &c. BEEHIVE BUILDINGS, HOLMES AND BATTY, PROPRIETORS. Established 32 Years.. NO DELAY TO BORROWERS. MONEY ADVANCED at a few hours notice, from £20 to £500, to private persons Farmers, Tradesmen, and others, on their Furniture or Stock-in-Trade, withont removal or publicity if required, in strict confidence, at a moderate rate of interest. Apply personally, or by letter, to MORRIS AND CO., (Private Offices), 10, ALBION STREET, (opposite the Mercury Office), Leeds. JAMES CLARKE, PROSPECT PLACE, ROTHWELL, Has a choice selection of NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANO-FORTES AND HARMONIUMS, ON SALE. Purchasers can depend upon meeting with sound and well-made Instruments, by the best London. Makers, at very reasonable Prices. CROSBY'S NERVALIS, the certain Cure For T:c. in 1s. 1id., 2s. 9d., Bottles. CROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR, at 74d., Is. 14d., 2s. 91 CROSBY'S DIARRHEA MIXTURE, in Is. Bottles. CROSBY'S ORANGE QUININE WINE, 2s. CROSBY'S ARABIAN OILS & EMBROCATION, For Strains, Bruises, &c. 1s. and 61. ROSBY'S SOOTHING POWDERS, for Infants, 74d.. Id.. 2s. 9d. WOODLESPORD:-MR. COOMBES, Grocer and Patent Medicine Dealer. pr. the Church. AGENT POR WINTER! WINTER !! 1873, 1873, WINTER !! 1873. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF WINTER CLOTHING has been prepared by J. PARKIN, Manufacturer of first-class Clothing. 16. BOAR LANE, LEEDS. Three minutes' walk from the principal Station. Illustrated Catalognes gratis & post free to any address PARKIN'S OVERCOATS. THE CHESTERFIELD. + This Favourite Overcoat, made in a variety of New Materials. The New Meltons look well, and wear well. lithe newest hades in Beavers, Elysians, &c. 'rice 17s 6d., 21s., 25s. CLOTHING EMPORIUM 16, BOAR LANE. OVERCOATS. PARKIN'S THE PLIMSOLL, A very comfortable and Fashionable Garment for walking and general purposes, made in Pilots, Naps, &c.. Wool tined, and quilted Silk Velvet Collar. Price 21s. to 35s. CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 16. BOAR LANE. PARKIN'S OVERCOATS. THE GROSVENOR. A most gentlemanly Ove coat, made in all the New Materials, New Mixture Worsted, New Shades in Beavers, Elysians, Meltons. &c., unsurpassed for tyle and fit, a splendid range to choose from. Price from 21s. to 70s. CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 10, BOAR LANE. OVERCOATS. PARKIN'S THE CHANCELLOR. This beautiful Overcoat promises to be the leading novelty of the season, made from materials of sterling quality, as well as of elegant appearance. Price 35s. to 758. See Illustrated Catalogues, gratis and post free to any address. CLOTHING EMPORIUM. 16, BOAR LANE. OVERCOATS. PARKIN'S THE NEW ULSTER. Indespensable for Travellers and Commercial Gentle- men, unrivalled as a protection against cold and damp weather, made from the real Irish Friezes, also in Cheviots and Naps, 35s. to 63s, Rules for self. measurement sent post free to any address. CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 16, BOAR LANE. OVERCOATS PARKIN'S AND BUSINESS SUITS.. in great variety. Our new Mixtures and Checks for the Winter are decidedly the most novel and elegant yet introduced. J. P. calls particular attention to these Suits as being specialty adapted for everyday wear. Price 45s. to 65s. CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 16, BOAR LANE. OVERCOATS PARKIN'S FOR LITTLE BOYS rand Youths. in Reefers, Chesterfields, Inverness Capes, Ulsters, &c. Owing to the increased demand in this Branch of our business a much larger assort ment has been prepared for the present season. Little Boys Overcoats from Ga. 6d. Youths' from 12s. 6d. CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 16, BOAR LANB. PARKIN'S OVERCOATS IN EVERY SHAPE No efforts have been spared in the production of Parkin's Stock for "73, which is one of the largest and best yet submitted to the public. An immense stock of Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Winter Suits, Frock and Morning Coats, Fashionable Trousers, Vests in real and imitation Seal, &c. Illustrated Catalogues gratis and post free. PARKIN'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, NO. 16. BOAR LANE, LEEDS. A. MARSHALL, PRINTER, Stationer, Bookbinder, AND PICTURE FRAMER, ROTHWELL. PAPERS: Plain, Fancy & Mourning Note, Bill, Foolscap, and Blotting Paper. 8 ΔΙ Π fo ENVELOPES:-Private, Fancy, Extra Sizes. Commercial, 1 1 PURSES:-All shapes & makes, very cheap. ८ Account Books, Shop Books, Memorandum and other Books. INK on draught & inld., 3d., 6d., 18. bottles Coloured 1d. Inks, Marking Ink, Gums, Inkstands, &c. Pens and Holders in great variety, Pencils, Sealing-Wax, Quills, India Rubber, Ink Erasers, Rulers, &c. Bibles, Church Services, Church and Wes- leyan Hymn Books, Prayers, &c. REWARDS:-Books and Tickets. ALBUMS, POCKET BOOKS, &c. Schools supplied, Slates, Copy Books, Table and Spelling Books, Arithmetics, Pen- cils, Chiidren's Toy Books. DRAWING PAPER, DRAWING BOOKS, AND CARDBOARDS. ESTABLISHED 1840. SEANOR & SONS, WEST-RIDING MATCH WORKS, ROTHWELI, NEAR LEEDS. MANUFACTURERS OF MATCHES, VESUVIANS, & FLAMING FUSEES, &c. TO JOINERS, FARMERS, &c. SEANOR & SONS', TIMBER YARD & SAW MILL. DEALS, BOARDS, BATTENS, SPARS, &c., in Stock, or Sawn to arder at a short Notice. Circular Sawing for Hire, per Hour or Measurement. WEST-RIDING MATCH WORKS, Rothwell, near Leeds. LONDON HOUSE, ROTHWELL. C. WARD, WHOLESALE AFD RETAIL GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. N.B.-A Large Stock of New Fruit for the Season. DYSON'S BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. DYSON'S LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, from £2 10s. DYSON'S LADIES' SILVER WATCHES from £2 10s. DYSON'S Gentlemen's GOLD WATCHES DY from £4. Levers, from £5. YSON'S Gentlemen's SILVER LEVER WATCHES, £2 and £2 10. YSON'S DY WORKMAN'S WATCH, £2 58., Stout Silver Cases guaranteed. DYSON'S Gentlemen's Silver Watches, £1 78. and £1 10s. Every Watch Warranted. OF DYSON'S SPLENDID STOCK WATCHES. DYSON'S VALUABLE STOCK OF JEWELLERY. DYSON'S LARGE STOCK of CLOCKS DYSON, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Every Description of English and Foreign Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery Cleaned and Repaired. AND JEWELLER. An efficient staff of first-class Workmen on the Premises. 26, Briggate (three doors below Boar Lane,) LEEDS. PUBLIC NOTICE-Half-day Holiday. JOHN DYSON, Watchmaker and Jeweller Closes his Establishme A every Wednesday at One o'clock. F AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL AT THE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1868. GEORGE HEUTHWAITE, W P Silk and Woollen Dyer, and French Cleaner, 80, Hunslet Road, & 4, Wade Lane, bottom C of Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. HUNSLET STEAM DYE WORKS, JACK LANE. di 0 Velvet, Cloth, Silk and Worsted Damask, Union. W Damask, Moreen, Bed, & Window Curtains Cleaned, Dyed, and finished, in a superior manner. Ostrich and all other kinds of Feathers Cleaned and re-curled; 1; Moire Antique, Brocade, Silks, Dyed si and finished in a superior manner, Kid Gloves Cleaned P and Dyed Black without soiling the inside; Gentle men's wearing apparel Cleaned and renovated in a superior manner. Crapes Cleaned and Black Dyed ] for Mourning on the shortest notice. P CI u e COMPANY, NICHOLSON AND BOTTOM OF WOODHOUSE LANE, LEEDS. IRON BEDSTEADS, full size from 16,6. a WRINGING MACHINES, 29 37/- CHAIR BEDSTEAD & CUSHIONS, Forming either Bed or Chair, as re. quired, consolete from 21/- T. BARMBY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, NEWS AND STATIONER NEWS AGENT, No. 62, Briggate, Leeds. S trade with all the WEEKLY MONTHLY PERIODI NEWSPAPERS, &c. NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, INKS. GUMS, &c., &c. CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR CARDS. SACHETS, &o., &c. SILK BOOK MARKS, IN GREAT VARIETY. CHOICE of 500 OVERCOATS & REEFERS from 7/0, to 27/6, and Winter Clothing in endless variety, suitable for all ages, all climates, and a seasons, at the GUIDING STAR CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, 40, KIRKGATE, LEEDS. GEORGE LAWS, PROPRIETOR. A smart young man, the other day, A visit to his Love would pay; But as his Winter Suit was baro, He to friend Law's did repair; And there he saw his Summer Show Of Hats and Clothes-at price so low,- Astonished, he an order gave, Which made him look both smart and brave, The Maiden saw but scarcely knew, Her Thomas in a suit of new-so fine, Yet fitted with such skill, That love combined to fancy's will; His Suit he did not plead in vain, For LAW's suit her heart did gain, Then to each friend he'd give advice- Try Law's Goods for Fit and Price. STRONG CORD AND MOLE TROUSERS, from 2/6 to 8/6. STRONG PILOT JACKETS, from 4/6 to 14/6. BOYS' SUITS, from 5/11 to 15/6; YOUTHS' from 15/- to 25/-; MEN'S from 15/- to 45/- First-class Material; Trousers, Short Jackets and Vests, from 2/-, and every other description of CLOTHING at Prices unprecedented. Observe the Address:- GEORGE LAWS, 40. KIRKGATE, LEEDS. S R SCENTS, POMADES, COSMETIQUES, 3, le ar GLYCERINE, &c. FEEDING BOTTLES, TUBING, SHIELDS, &o, at A MARSHALL'S, ROTHWELL. - WESLEYAN CHAPEL ANNIVERSARY AT WOODLESFORD. Ox Sunday, October 26th, the Rev. I. E. Page, preached two Sermons in the Wesleyan Chapel, Woodlesford. Collections were made during the service in aid of the Chapel fund. On the Wednesday following, a public Tea was provided in the school-room, after which, a public Meeting took place in the Chapel, Mr. Batty, of Rothwell, presiding. After singing and prayer, a vote of thanks was passed to the ladies for their kindness in providing at the tea. The Chairman then spoke of the necessity of improving the comfort and appearance of the Chapel, and urging the Woodlesford people to make an effort in that direction. The Rev. J. Rhodes, eulogized the tea, and only wished the Chapel was beautiful accordingly. If they were not going to have a new Chapel, he would turn the old one in side out, and make a beautiful little place of it. He only wished some one would give us a new site, then how soon we should have a chapel suitable for a village like Woodlesford. He deprecated the idea of some christians who were wishing and asking for uninformity. Unity was the thing needed. The Rev. I. E. Page, likened the christian life to a fruitful vine bringing forth grapes without the slightest exertion; and so the man who brought forth the fruits of good living, naturally and without effort, was the highest type of christian. He spoke strong- ly but friendly on the duty of speaking for Jesus, showing how a word fitly spoken has been the means of much good. A collection was then made in aid of the chapel fund, and after a vote of thanks to the chairman, the benediction was pronounced. CONCERT AT METHLEY. On Monday night, a concert was given at the Methley Library and Reading room, to a very large audience, by a party of vocalists from Leeds. The Hon. and Rev. P. Y. Savile presided, and amongst the speakers were the Rev. J. Armitage (Whitwood,) Messrs.Thos. Embleton, T W. Embleton, and Bnoch Kaye, secretary. The part singing went off in admirable style. Mr. Thos. Lawton gave The happy Muleteer" in a very effective manner, and was encored. Master Willie Waring sang the difficult song by Smart, "The birds are telling one another," and was well received. He also sang the Sol-Fa Duet with Mr. Lawton, which was loudly applauded. Mr. Hartley Thompson (who was in good voice) gave My sweetheart when a boy" in excellent style, and in responce to a hearty encore gave" Barbara Allen." Mr. Walter Woodcock presided with ability at the piano- forte, and also played Mendelssohn's Leider Op. 19 with great taste. A vote of thanks to the chairman brought a very pleasant even- ing's entertainment to a close. "THE ROTHWELL TIMES." To the Editor of the Rothwell Times) DEAR SIR,-I was exceedingly glad when I had your hand-bill-placed in my hand last week, informing me that we were to have a Weekly Paper printed in our midst, contain- ing our local news, for I am sure our district is neglected by our Leeds contemporary, for if we have a social, political, or any kind of meeting and we are absent by business or sickness we hear no more of it, whereas, if we subscribe to our own paper, we shall have an opportunity of seeing a truthful record of what takes place in the locality. I was struck by the compreheniveness of your subjects. and 1 feel sure if you deal with the matters in a truithful, friendly, and independent spirit, you will fill a long felt want, and I have every reason to believe you will. Weshall expect to see our Sanitary and Highway movements inspected, for I feel sure they stand in need of it. I hope to hear of the Rothwell Times having a very extensive circulation, for I am sure the progress of the district deserves special attention, and the responsibility you take upon yourself deserves commendation and every success that can be wished. I must now congratulate you on your speculation, for it is a great one when one takes into consideration the, enomous cost of printing machinery, and the high price of every material you will require. I once more wish the Rothwell Times. Yours, &c., every success, and remain Oct. 27th, 1873. AN OBSERVER. MINERS' ANNIVERSARY (To the Editor of the Rothwell Times.) SI,-I desire, with your permission, to speak to the Miners of the Rothwell Lodge through your issue of November 1st. The Miners of this locality received great praise for their sobriety and general good conduct at their recent demonstration, and I hope that the coming anniversary will be characterized by those essential elements of success, thus giving the public to under- stand that we are not the "drunken, disso- lute, uncivilized class" that we are so com- monly represented to be. It hath also been hinted that we shall not be content with one day's play, therefore let us have no pits stand- ing idle on Thursday next, but one and all, abe at our post, and thus by sobriety and at- tention to duty, show to the libellers of our class that we respect ourselves and our em- fployers. W. D. A HINT TO THE MINERS. (To the Editor of the Rothwell Times.) SIR,-Will you permit me through your paper to say a word to the Miners of Roth- well Haigh, in regard to the Meeting that is to take place on November 5th. I suppose they are to go to the Primitive Methodist Chapel. Well, there will be some go, and some will not. I think they ought to select some place in the route to make the collection towards the new school, and then it would give those a chance to pay who never went near a place of worship. Yours truly, M. W.

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